This monastery (Rigdzin Chhodubling) locates in remotest part of upper Dzongu, which is one of the most sacred monasteries in Sikkim.
Tholung literally means Tho or Thowa=means Areasima,
Lung or Lunga means- place or country.
Some people believed that it is ‘Dolung’ the stony place. However, it is a place where divine beings reside and purity remains. |
sacred place of Tholung was unveiled by 4th Lhatsun Kunzang Jigmed
Gyatso in iron-Dragon year of 13thRabjung cycle of Tibetan century which corresponds to
1760 A.D. Later 5th Lhatsun Pema Dechhen Gyatso built a monastery in
1789 A.D to house the spiritual properties. It possesses ancient holly texts, invaluable Art and Artifacts, which had been brought here in
1788 A.D.
It is said that the Gorkha invasion from Nepal had caused havoc and fear to the Buddhist monks in the west during the reign of
Chhogyal Tenzing Namgyal (1769-1793).
Therefore the
Lama Gyatso transfered all the precious collections, invaluable write-ups, religious objects and many other belongings of former Lamas and Chhogyals from
Dubde and Sangag Choling monasteries, west, to the present place of
Tholung via Yangang Gonpa, South.
It is also said that the Articles were brought through Poentong route and kept for some years at a place called
Fendey in Poentong Village of Upper Dzongu, North Sikkim. It is said that during the halt at Poentong the artifacts vanished and reappeared suddenly and one
Vajra (Dorje) flew off towards Tholung. People carrying the artifacts followed the flying vajra which landed on a small pond created by a spring. Taking this as an omen, the artifacts were transported to this site and housed in a small Hut built on the side of this pond. Later,
Lama Dechen Gyatso founded a small monastery upon this pond as Tholung Gonpa.
It is said that the Lama Dechhen Gyatso went back to Tibet where he choose two devoted and trustworthy persons called
Jo Tshongpon Dablha and Tagye Tshampo as caretakers of these precious belongings and sent them to Sikkim. The two mistook the “Tholung” for “Wolung” and went to Nepal
and settled there. The lama learnt of this mistake after a lapse of three years and redirected them to come to Tholung in Sikkim.The descendants of
the former still exist in that area as Tholung Nangpa family. They carried on the task of looking after the artifacts till
the 1940s. Thereafter, the
Ecclesiastical Department, Government of Sikkim took over the charge. The Nangpa family continues to be the chief patron of this Gonpa.
The cold climate and moisture in the area is unsuitable to the holy artifacts
in the Monastery. Therefore, the religious treasures kept in the monastery are taken out for sunning and airing once in every three years as ‘Kamsil
Ceremony’ under the supervision of the Department of Ecclesiastical, government of Sikkim. In the process of ceremony, their blessing is imparted to the devotees as well. The present monastery was reconstructed in
1980, as the earlier monastery was dilapidated. The route to this monastery diverts from Mangan. It follows
Nyingmapa Sect of Buddhism.