Singchit Ngadag Monastery (1890 A.D)
Singchit Ngadag Gonpa was established in the year 1890 A.D. by the followers of Ngadag Rinchhen Gon (3rd successor of Ngadag Sempa Chepo) on the site marked and blessed by him in the past. Ngadag Rinchen Gon while on his pilgrimage to North Sikkim rested at a small cave above this Gonpa. According to the story, one morning Lama Ngadag found his walking stick missing. He saw through his devine powers that a serpent maiden (Lumo) had taken it and deposited it in the present site.
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 Taking this as a sign, he blessed the site and advised his followers to build a Gonpa there.Below the gonpa is a stupa said to have been built by the Famous Mon Salong. The old structure was once repaired in 1923 and exists till today. The monastery needs major renovation or reconstruction. However, it functions all the major Buddhist ceremonies.
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