This Monastery is situated in Upper Dzongu, North Sikkim.
Earlier, there were no monasteries in that area, so the people of Buddhist faith
had no place to offer prayers. In the mean time, a Hermit called Abi Putso
Rangdrol, seeing the religious needs of the devotees, decided to build a
small shrine at an isolated place above Hee Gyathang Village.Following which,
the devotees began coming for prayer to his Shrine. However, the shrine being
located at far off place from the village, created a problem for the villagers
to attend the pujas regularly.
Therefore, the said Lama shifted his religious Centre to the nearby village.
Later, an earthquake damaged the structure with several cracks. This incident compelled
the villagers and Lamas to think of re-shifting the Centre as they considered
that this natural disaster had took place due to defilement caused by animals
kept nearby the Shrine.
After having taken a unanimous decision, they shifted their religious Centre to a
sanctified place in 1914 A.D. and gave a religious name as ‘Tashi
Choling Gon’. Since then, the monastery exists on present site and functions
all the periodical pujas with annual Mask Dance. The monastery follows the
Nyingmapa Sect.