Konchhog Gyaltshen with a small Shrine originally founded Rinak
Monastery in East Sikkim. Later his lineage holders re-established it
in its present site in 1841 A.D. and gave a religious name as- “Paljor
Phuntshog”.The monastery follows Bhara
kagyu lineage of the Drukpa Kagyu and this monastery, in
earlier times, used to seek spiritual guidance from Late Kagyu Tulku who
was regarded as Spiritual Head of this Sect.
This monastery was reconstructed in 1981 after taking damage from anearthquake.In the olden days, the Dorje Lopons were deputed from
Kagyu Gponpa in Tibet but after 1959 it was stopped due the blockade
of the Indo-Tibet border. However, The old structure has been dismantled and a
new bulding has been erected in 2009. It also functions all the major
ceremonies. This Gonpa also has mask dances in its annual ceremony.