Choten Monastery (1946 A.D)
(Chhoedten) Monastery was started with a small residential Lhakhang built
by H.E. Trulshig Rinpoche in 1946, which is situated in the
premises of Deorali Dudul Chhoedten. Later Another
Venerable High Nyingmapa Lama called
Dodrubchen Rinpoche came to this place in 1959 from Tibet. He gradually developed this small Lhakhang into a
well-established Monastery with enrolment of 400 to 500 Monks. |
Now it has become a busy place for fulfilling the religious needs of the
devotees of Gangtok area as well as from Bhutan and other adjoining areas. It
follows Dzogchenpa lineage of Nyingmapa
Sect of Mahayana Buddhism.
Presently the monastery has more than 500
monks. Every year on the break of Losar ,Vajra Kilaya Kawang is imparted
to the Devotees a week before the Dubchoe or its ceremony starts. |